Photo credit to G. Mark Lewis
The arts are a calling of sorts… perhaps not unlike the calling to be a priest or a nun… It seems to be something some of us simply have to heed - despite all, we must answer the call.
Sometimes it is the calm and the intensity of the ballet class that saves me from myself and the world… There is a meditative quality that ensues when one is concentrating deeply on how one’s muscles are working to correctly hold a position or to execute a movement – nothing else can enter that mental space because it requires such focus. After class, one can re-enter the world refreshed and ready to take on the challenges of life again.
The arts of choreography and performance are communication – expression of the soul through movement in an attempt to reach the souls of others and make connection. Who are we without such communication, without that touch that stretches across space and time? Music and poetry speak to us from many generations past, linking human to human through hundreds of years. Dance, more ephemeral in many ways, is a little like the sand paintings of Buddhist monks – each performance a gift to the audience and to the heavens, as well as to the performers themselves – a holding of invisible hands as we navigate the challenges of life – letting each other know we are not alone.
Photo credit to G. Mark Lewis
And thus, we dance.
This spring offers FRCBA dancers many exciting new ventures – a new studio that is in the works, hopefully to be ready for classes and rehearsals in April (If you can help with any of the many needs to bring this dream to fruition, please contact Jayme at 970-231-1948 or, our Moon Beam Rider production to be performed at the Lincoln Center Magnolia Theatre on May 26 & 27, an expanded children’s program to be offered starting in April… And on the heels of all that, summer comes our way with new Teacher Training offerings, Summer Dance Intensive Workshops, as well as a continuation of our usual program of classes! Be sure to fulfill your artistic, intellectual, meditative and physical training needs by engaging in these many opportunities!