Front Range Classical Ballet Academy

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Jayme T.

I have been dancing with FRCBA for about six years now after not dancing since I was a kid. I love dancing at FRCBA! I tried several different studios and the quality of instruction with Ms. Ixchel is second to none. Not to mention that she is an incredibly sweet person! I’ve gotten stronger and my body just feels better. I was in a car accident a year or so ago and Ms. Ixchel has helped me recover from the whiplash without getting injured again. I’ve seen her coach and instruct fellow students through injuries and different abilities too and it’s amazing. The studio space is light and airy and an enjoyable place to be. Everyone there is just plain nice. Fun and supportive people to be around. We laugh and have fun even while we are working hard, and everyone gets individual coaching for our levels and specific needs. All of the instructors at FRCBA are kind, fun, and lovely people, and experts in many styles of dance! It’s a great place to be!